Welcome to the TraX Study.

TraX is a study tracking our communities’ responses to the mpox outbreak.
Help us respond to mpox by joining our study!
TraX Live Data

What’s involved?

Each week, you’ll be asked to complete a brief questionnaire that will take approximately 1 minute to complete. There are some extra questions on your first questionnaire, and there might be some extra questions to ask in some weeks, depending on what you’ve been up to.

What’s in it for you?

You can help shape the public health response to mpox in Australia and across the globe! To show our appreciation, for every questionnaire you complete within 48 hours, you’ll automatically go into a raffle to win one of 15 weekly electronic gift cards valued at $50.00 each.

Why should you join?

This project will provide necessary information to allow government, community, and clinical health partners to rapidly respond to the needs of our communities in regard to the current mpox outbreak. We can only do this with the help our community members.